Jon Wells was in Europe traveling with his daughter, Alexandra, when the Waldo Canyon fire started. They were in France as part of a U.S. Ambassador musician tour and Alexandra had just played the first of many concerts when the call came in to tell them of the status of their home. Jon and his daughter live in the Mountain Shadows area where more than 350 homes were destroyed by the Waldo Canyon Fire.
We met Jon on Monday, July 9 at the Red Cross Bulk Distribution Site that was set up not far from his home. Jon was there, like so many other Mountain Shadow residents, to get water and bulk cleaning supplies like shovels, rakes, gloves and face masks so that he could begin the process of going through the debris. “I really appreciate that the Red Cross is here to help.” He said. ” I didn’t know where to start and the Red Cross gave me some of the tools that I need, as well as useful information about how to do it.”
While at the Bulk Distribution Center, Jon was also able to talk with Red Cross stress management workers and ERV drivers about the importance of personal safety when working in the burned area. “I really was at a loss until I talked with the Red Cross volunteers.”, he said, “The first thing I need to do is to buy some work boots and work clothes.”
Not much is left of Jon’s home but he was able to salvage the ceramic casting of his daughter’s baby shoes. “Everything else at the house is a mess but I found the shoes right away.”, He said, “They mean a lot to me.” Red Cross workers found plastic bags and helped him wrap the shoe casting for safe keeping.
Jon said, “Now, I need to stay busy while I think about moving forward. It is so great to see the big red and white trucks driving around the area. It makes me feel that there is hope and help when I need it." *
Several volunteers from the Texas Panhandle spent weeks in Colorado helping with the response—some are still in the field while some have returned.
Raenell Gore, who recently returned home, spent time on Red Cross trucks handing supplies to residents just like Jon—residents needing a place to start. A special thank you to all the volunteers who have spent weeks with the residents of Colorado helping them pick up the pieces.
*Original Story written by Red Cross Volunteers Bill Fortune and Chuck Bennett and was posted at under Story: Not the greatest thing to come home to.
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