Written by: Mary Lou Farnum/American Red Cross Volunteer
If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 11 and 15 that would like to earn money this summer, perhaps they should enroll in the Red Cross Babysitter's Training class. We have a class scheduled for Saturday, May 26. Cost is $85. There's no better way for your budding entrepreneur to learn the knowledge and confidence to care for infants and school-age children. Combining video, activities, hands-on skills training and discussion for a complete learning experience, Babysitter’s Training teaches youth how
- Respond to emergencies and illnesses with first aid, rescue breathing and other appropriate care
- Make decisions under pressure
- Communicate with parents to learn household rules
- Recognize safety and hygiene issues
- Manage young children
- Feed, diaper and care for infants
- Start their babysitting business
Course length: 6 1/2 for core course.
The class will be held at the Texas Panhandle Chapter in Amarillo, Texas at 1800 South Harrison. Participants must pre-enroll in order to reserve a spot. Do so now by clicking this link: Babysitter's Training.
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